Difference between revisions of "Beef"

(Current HD setup)
(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 14: Line 14:
  apt-get inslall smartmontools
  apt-get inslall smartmontools
  apt-get install screen
  apt-get install screen
apt-get install postfix # so we can email errors
== Partionera disk ==
== Partionera disk ==
Line 86: Line 87:
  Serial Number:    S1XWJ1KS925137
  Serial Number:    S1XWJ1KS925137
  LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 00225cd59
  LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 00225cd59
Serial Number:    S1XWJ1LSC08170
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 002aff710
  Serial Number:    S1XWJ1LSC08172
  Serial Number:    S1XWJ1LSC08172
  LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 002aff716
  LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 002aff716
  Serial Number:    S1XWJ1MSC02977
  Serial Number:    5XW00L4M
  LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 002affe22
  LU WWN Device Id: 5 000c50 01689b07a
  Serial Number:    S1XWJ1MSC02982
  Serial Number:    S1XWJ1MSC02982
  LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 002affe3d
  LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 002affe3d
WAY-OUT Serial Number:    S1XWJ1LSC08170
WAY-OUT WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 002aff710
HAS BEEN REPLACED Serial Number:    S1XWJ1MSC02977
HAS BEEN REPLACED LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 002affe22
In /dev/disk/by-id/ the WWN numers are without space.
In /dev/disk/by-id/ the WWN numers are without space.
Line 107: Line 113:
  Serial Number:    WD-WMAM9CUS4662
  Serial Number:    WD-WMAM9CUS4662
== Setup AFSBACKUP ==
== Setup AFSBACKUP ==
Line 121: Line 126:
  dpkg --add-architecture i386
  dpkg --add-architecture i386
  apt-get update
  apt-get update
  apt-get install libc6:i386  libc6-i686:i386  libgcc1:i386  libstdc++5:i386
  apt-get install libc6:i386  libc6-i686:i386  libgcc1:i386  libstdc++5:i386 # dsmc needs this
  apt-get install libstdc++5
  apt-get install libstdc++5     # tsmpipe needs this
apt-get install bc            # needed to calculate stuff in shell script
Talk to PDC and get password
Talk to PDC and get password
Line 137: Line 143:
  : This should give a list of backed volumes
  : This should give a list of backed volumes
Fix cron (don't forget to remove on old backup server or it will be very strange
Fix cron (don't forget to remove on old backup server or it will be very strange when 2 try at same tile)
  root@beef:/# cat > /etc/cron.d/backupafs
  root@beef:/# cat > /etc/cron.d/backupafs
  17 01 * * * root /opt/afsbackup/bin/dsmbackupstacken.sh -i
  17 01 * * * root /opt/afsbackup/bin/dsmbackupstacken.sh -i
You might want to take old logs with you
root@mount-kilimanjaro:/var/log# tar cf - afsbackup | ssh beef 'cd /var/log && tar xpvf -'
You want to copy these config files
root@mount-kilimanjaro:/# tar cf - scratch | ssh beef 'cd / && tar xpvf -'
== Repair later ==
== Repair later ==

Latest revision as of 14:12, 23 July 2015

Kör OpenAFS 1.6.9-2+deb8u2-debian built 2015-03-02 på Debian 8. Server namngiven av Mho, in the food namespace.

Beef är en AFS-filserver som vi ärvde från mho. Det är en AMD Athlon II X4 600e med 8Gb RAM, 2 80GB WD som systemdisk och 6x2T Spinpoint för lagringen (en spare) på ZFS.

Debian 8 är uppsatt med nsg's standardinstall med 2 speglade rootdiskar.

NOTERA! Texten på den här sidan åker runt och ändrar på sig mycket, kommer snygga till när maskinen är klar.


apt-get install ed
apt-get install parted
apt-get inslall smartmontools
apt-get install screen
apt-get install postfix # so we can email errors

Partionera disk

Först lista ut vilken som är den disken som skall bli zfs. Gör sedan:

for n in c d e f g h  ; do parted -s /dev/sd$n mklabel gpt; parted -s /dev/sd$n mkpart primary ext2 0% 100%; parted -s /dev/sd$n print; done

Ibland måste man ta bort gammla md med mdadm --detail /dev/mdX ; mdadm -S /dev/mdX ; mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdXX ...

Install zfs

# apt-get install lsb-release
# wget http://archive.zfsonlinux.org/debian/pool/main/z/zfsonlinux/zfsonlinux_6_all.deb
# dpkg -i zfsonlinux_6_all.deb
# apt-get update
# apt-get install debian-zfs

Hitta bra partitioner

Alla diskar från sdc uppåt utom den första

ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ | egrep 'wwn.*../../sd[c-z]1' | awk 'NR>1{print "/dev/disk/by-id/"$9}' | tr '\n' ' '

Bara den som inte togs med ovan (den tar vi som spare)

ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ | egrep 'wwn.*../../sd[c-z]1' | awk 'NR>1{print "/dev/disk/by-id/"$9}'

Kolla innan man pastar ihop kommandot

zpool create vicepa raidz2 PASTE-HERE spare PASTE-MORE-HERE

Kolla nu med zpool status och df och kanske en dd if=/dev/zero of=/vicepa/big bs=1024k count=20000 att allt lirar.

Om ja, grattis du har nu en ZFS pool.


# apt-get install openafs-fileserver
# /etc/init.d/openafs-fileserver stop

Hm, vi fick med en ntp, fanns det inte redan Hm, vi fick med en klient men ingen kärnamodul. Okejdå

Kopiera /etc/openafs/BosConfig Kopiera /etc/opensafs/server/rxkad.keytab Kopiera /etc/opensafs/server/UserList Sätt statisk addr i /etc/network/interfaces Sätt lång hostname (med kommandot och i /etc/hostname) Fixa /etc/hosts:       localhost beef.stacken.kth.se     beef


Fixa ntp.conf

server ntp1.kth.se iburst maxpoll 7
server ntp2.kth.se iburst maxpoll 7
server ntp3.kth.se iburst maxpoll 7
server ntp1.sp.se iburst maxpoll 7
server ntp2.sp.se iburst maxpoll 7

Current HD setup

# for n in `ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ | egrep 'wwn.*../../sd[a-z]$' | awk '{print "/dev/disk/by-id/"$9}'` ; do echo '==' ; smartctl -i $n | egrep -i 'serial|WWN' ; done
Serial Number:    S1XWJ1KS925135
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 00225cd42
Serial Number:    S1XWJ1KS925137
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 00225cd59
Serial Number:    S1XWJ1LSC08172
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 002aff716
Serial Number:    5XW00L4M
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000c50 01689b07a
Serial Number:    S1XWJ1MSC02982
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 002affe3d
WAY-OUT Serial Number:    S1XWJ1LSC08170
WAY-OUT WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 002aff710
HAS BEEN REPLACED Serial Number:    S1XWJ1MSC02977
HAS BEEN REPLACED LU WWN Device Id: 5 0024e9 002affe22

In /dev/disk/by-id/ the WWN numers are without space.

Fact: The WD 80GB of the OS don't have any WWN and therefore are not matched in the grep above.

Serial Number:    WD-WMAM9CUF8084
Serial Number:    WD-WMAM9CUS4662


Copy tivoli and afsbackup stuff

# ssh mount-kilimanjaro.stacken.kth.se 'cd /opt && tar czf - afsbackup tivoli.' | ssh beef.stacken.kth.se 'cd /opt && tar xzvpf -'
beef# cd /opt/
beef# ln -s tivoli. tivoli

Install stuff (tsmpipe is 64 and dsmc is 32 bit)

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install libc6:i386  libc6-i686:i386  libgcc1:i386  libstdc++5:i386  # dsmc needs this
apt-get install libstdc++5     # tsmpipe needs this
apt-get install bc             # needed to calculate stuff in shell script

Talk to PDC and get password

Test with dsmc and set password

export DSM_CONFIG=/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt.afsbackup
export DSM_DIR=`dirname $DSM_CONFIG`
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/tivoli. /opt/tivoli. q file
: This should ask for nodename and password
/opt/afsbackup/bin/tsmpipe -A -t -s /scratch -f /H.haba.backup.0\*
: This should give a list of backed volumes

Fix cron (don't forget to remove on old backup server or it will be very strange when 2 try at same tile)

root@beef:/# cat > /etc/cron.d/backupafs
17 01 * * * root /opt/afsbackup/bin/dsmbackupstacken.sh -i

You might want to take old logs with you

root@mount-kilimanjaro:/var/log# tar cf - afsbackup | ssh beef 'cd /var/log && tar xpvf -'

You want to copy these config files

root@mount-kilimanjaro:/# tar cf - scratch | ssh beef 'cd / && tar xpvf -'

Repair later
