
Revision as of 12:37, 24 August 2014 by Nsg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Bli medlem = Stacken Computer Club is open for students or employees at the Royal Institute of Technology. The membership fee (2014) is SEK 114:- (and a voluntary fee of SEK …")
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Bli medlem

Stacken Computer Club is open for students or employees at the Royal Institute of Technology.

The membership fee (2014) is SEK 114:- (and a voluntary fee of SEK 214:- for people with jobs). We prefer it to be paid through Swedish PG 433 01 15-9. Please, note your username when paying, and don't pay the fee until you have been notified of your status as a member!

In all cases, please be patient! Your application will be taken care of at the next board meeting.

Membership application

<html> <form method="post" action="/scripts/mail/index.php">

Personal name <input size="40" name="realname" />
Email address <input size="40" name="email" />
<input type="checkbox" name="DeadTree" />I want summons on dead trees rather than email.
Snail-mail address <textarea rows="3" cols="40" name="Snailmail"></textarea>
Home Phone <input size="40" name="Phone" />
Daytime Phone <input size="40" name="DayPhone" />
Occupation <input size="40" name="Occupataion" />
(if you are a student, please tell us where and what you study)
Preferred username <input size="40" name="PreferredName" />
(mail address in the domain of the club)
City, date
of application
<input size="40" name="CityDate" />
Comments <textarea rows="4" cols="40" name="Comment">Replace this with a few lines regarding your interest in computers in general, and what you would like to do in the club.</textarea>
1 + 1 = <input size="40" name="SpamCheck" />
(For spam protection, enter the number two here.)
 <input type="submit" /> <input type="reset" />

</form> </html>

On paper?

If you prefer to submit your application on dead trees, the address is:

Datorföreningen Stacken
c/o NADA