
Revision as of 18:10, 25 August 2016 by Alhjelm (talk | contribs) (Uppdaterade medlemsavgift)

Become a member

Stacken Computer Club is open for students or employees at the Royal Institute of Technology.

The membership fee (2016) is SEK 116:- (and a voluntary fee of SEK 216:- for people with jobs). We prefer it to be paid through Swedish PG 433 01 15-9. Please, note your username when paying, and don't pay the fee until you have been notified of your status as a member!

In all cases, please be patient! Your application will be taken care of at the next board meeting.

Common questions

What do you do?
The primary purpose of the club is to promote knowledge about computers and surrounding technologies. What do do depends on our active members, it can be everything from lectures and competitions to help with hard to solve problems. We also self host and manage our own services in our datacenter.
What do I need to know?
Nothing, join us and learn.
What about Swedish?
No worry, we speak English.

Membership application

<html> <form method="post" action="/scripts/mail/index.php">

Personal name <input size="40" name="realname" />
Email address <input size="40" name="email" />
<input type="checkbox" name="DeadTree" />I want summons on dead trees rather than email.
Snail-mail address <textarea rows="3" cols="40" name="Snailmail"></textarea>
Home Phone <input size="40" name="Phone" />
Daytime Phone <input size="40" name="DayPhone" />
Occupation <input size="40" name="Occupataion" />
(if you are a student, please tell us where and what you study)
Preferred username <input size="40" name="PreferredName" />
(mail address in the domain of the club)
City, date
of application
<input size="40" name="CityDate" />
Comments <textarea rows="4" cols="40" name="Comment">Replace this with a few lines regarding your interest in computers in general, and what you would like to do in the club.</textarea>
1 + 1 = <input size="40" name="SpamCheck" />
(For spam protection, enter the number two here.)
 <input type="submit" /> <input type="reset" />

</form> </html>

On paper?

If you prefer to submit your application on dead trees, the address is:

Datorföreningen Stacken
c/o NADA